Forgot Password ?
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If you are using the insurance portal for the first time, use the following to log in: Student ID: Your Student ID (or School ID) Number Password: Your Last Name Your Last Name will be as it is in your school account, including any dashes or spaces if you have more than one last name. Once you have logged in and submitted a waiver or insurance enrollment form you will receive an email with instructions to change your password. Once you have logged in and submitted a waiver or insurance from, you will be sent an email with instructions to change your password. Once you have reset your password, you will be required to log in the next time with your new password. Your new password will be your permanent password.
If you have already logged into the insurance portal, you will be required to log in the next time using your new password. If you have forgotten your password, select the Forgot Password link. You will be required to enter your Student ID ( or School ID). Instructions to reset your password will be emailed to your school student email address.